Fashion & Fashion

Fashion and fashion take a big place in the minds of people, especially celebrities, where they show us the personality of the person who wears them. He is interested in celebrities' clothes, just as people care about their works and creations. There are many articles and discussions aboutthe clothing of an important person on an occasion; fashion is a world that has evolved over the years to become one of the most important realms of our times.


History of fashion and fashion

The world of fashion and fashion refers to the world of clothing and accessories industry, which was initiated by Charles Frederick Worth in the 19th century, who was the first fashion designer to put his brand on the clothes he made. Rose Bertin was the first fashion designer to open a clothing store in France in the eighteenth and nineteenth century Which was dubbed the Minister of Fashion, was designed by the Queen of France Marie Antoinette, until the revolution took place in France and moved to London. [1]

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